Planning & Development

Village of Hussar Proposed NEW Bylaws

Notice Of Public Hearing (Bylaw 562 24)

Notice of Public Hearing (Bylaw 563-24)

Village of Hussar Land Use Bylaw Review

The Village of Hussar is working with Palliser Regional Municipal Services (PRMS) to update the Village’s Land Use Bylaw (LUB) in collaboration with the Village Council and its residents. The new LUB will replace the current version of the Hussar 543-22 Village of Hussar Land Use Bylaw  with an entirely new bylaw.


What is a LUB?

A Land Use Bylaw directs the use and development of lands and buildings. By establishing land use districts (zoning), the LUB regulates the types of activities and buildings that can occur on any specific property. It also contains regulations, such as building height, maximum parcel coverage and building setbacks from property lines. The LUB is the tool that the long-term vision and goals of the Hussar (531 21) Municipal Development Plan Bylaw are implemented on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of the LUB is to enable development, while minimizing the potential impacts on adjacent neighbours.

A copy of the draft Land Use Bylaw 563-24 can be viewed here.

A copy of the draft Land Use Bylaw, showing track changes can be viewed here.

What is the review process and timelines?

The proposed new Land Use Bylaw has been prepared and will be presented to Council for the first of three readings of a bylaw on December 12, 2024 and a public hearing will be held prior to second reading. It is anticipated the new Land Use Bylaw could be approved and come into effect early 2025.


How will the new Land Use Bylaw be approved?

Council is responsible to approve the new Land Use Bylaw by bylaw. Council can make changes to the draft bylaw at any of the three readings to address any concerns expressed at the public hearing or concerns of Council.


How can the public provide input to the draft Land Use Bylaw?

Residents, business and landowners are invited to provide feedback to Hussar Council at the public hearing. a public hearing for Bylaw 563-24 will be held in the Village of Hussar office at 109 – 1 Avenue East, on February 13, 2025 commencing at 6:00 p.m., immediately following the public hearing for bylaw 562-24. Additionally, written comments may be delivered to Box 100, Hussar, Alberta, T0J 1S0 or emailed to; submissions will be received up to February 11, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.



Planning & Development


Intermunicipal Development Plan

The Village of Hussar and Wheatland County have a history of collaboration and cooperation. This Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) builds on this past collaboration and sets the groundwork for continued joint planning for lands around the Village as identified by the IDP Area. The Municipal Government Act (MGA) mandates municipalities that share common boundaries to develop an Intermunicipal Development Plan to address: cooperation regarding planning matters of joint interest; addressing land use concerns; procedures for dealing with development proposals and any other matters related to development considered necessary (MGA s. 631).

Hussar & Wheatland County Intermunicipal Development Plan

Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires municipalities to work collaboratively with neighboring municipalities to plan, deliver and fund intermunicipal services.  The act requires municipalities with common borders to develop an Intermunicipal Collaborative Framework Agreement.  This agreement must address services related to transportation, water, wastewater, solid waste, emergency services and recreation.  

Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Agreement